by Suzanne | Nov 26, 2020 | Ascension, Dark Energies, energy, Family and Ancestral Karma, Karma, psychic phone readings, Raising your vibration, Relationships, releasing, soul, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual awareness, Spirituality, truth, Uncategorized, Well being
Family And Ancestral Karma Has To Go Traumas, burdens, struggles and unresolved emotions that are imprinted in our parent’s and ancestor’s cellular memory can get passed down generation to generation. These imprints of the past can weigh on us and limit us...
by Suzanne | Nov 11, 2020 | 11.11 2020, Angels, Ascension, blessings, cleansing, Clearing, Dark Energies, energy, Gratitude, guidance, Healing, heartfelt, Karma, manifesting, Power, Raising your vibration, releasing, Uncategorized
11.11 Have you been noticing 11.11 lately? Do you feel like something big is about to happen? Well you’re right, a powerful sacred portal or gateway is opening on the 11.11.2020. This portal is a two way gateway to heaven and the higher realms. What is 11.11?...
by Suzanne | Jan 17, 2019 | Ascension, energy, Love, manifesting, Miracle Creation, Power, Psychic, soul, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized
The vibration of Number 3 and relationships We are full blast into 2019 which carries the universal energy of number 3. The 3 energy carries the vibration of creativity and manifestation, the potential of new opportunities, new friendships, increased self-expression...
by Suzanne | Dec 4, 2018 | 2018, Ascension, heartfelt, Karma, Motivation, Power, Psychic, Psychic Clairvoyant, soul, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized
Ready to step up? Are you ready to step up? Remember my blog last December 2017, Use your god given gifts to serve others, 1 Peter 4:10. In this blog I was talking about how the energy of 2018 will push us to realize our gifts and step up to be of service to humanity...
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