Trusted Psychic Reader & Healer
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45 min $168.75
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Live Psychic Readings
Ph/text 022 042 9652 $3.75/min no gst
Note (This is a same day service)
Hi, I am Suzanne, I am a Psychic Reader and an Angelic Healer. I have been working in the spiritual field for 35 years, doing readings and healings.
I am also an Access Consciousness Facelift Practitiioner. This is an amazing in person energy process. which can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and can create similar effects throughout the body. If done repeatedly (at least 20 times) it appears to be permanent.
If you live in Nelson, book a session with me, $50 for an hour, Ph 022 0429652 for more information
As I am a Reiki Master I am available for in person Reiki healings here in Nelson. A one hour session costs $60. Relax and feel beautiful healing energies flowing through you, clearing away energies that are not for your highest good and bringing in new high vibration energies, uplifting and invigorating you. Ph/text to book, 022 042 9652
Through my Spiritual team, I bring many clients guidance,
messages, foresight and healing to empower them to change and grow in a positive sustainable direction, transforming their lives.
Factual, Helpful and Enlightining
Many clients have come back to me or contacted me on many occasions confirming that the messages and guidance that Spirit has given them have been very factual, helpful and enlightening.
Conflict and Resolution
Clients who contact me face many problems such as conflict in relationships, finding a new relationship, wanting to find a new job or a new career, difficulty selling a house, land or securing a loan to buy a house, issues with a heavy energy or entities around them or in their home, and those who are really stuck and can’t make changes or move forward. Some clients have other problems such as tumours, arthritis, vertigo, traumas and many more. I can assist to heal your pets too. Email me to discuss.

Psychic readings, phone, skype and zoom video
So, what do clients get out of a reading with me? What does it help them do? What happens next? What outcomes are achieved? What changes are made?
Deepali was having work related issues...
Deepali was having work related issues and wanted to switch my job, however despite of having a good experience I was getting rejected at job interviews constantly. I identified that Deepalis energies were the cause of rejections and so I did a few Angel healing sessions with her to clear her energies. This had a miraculous effect on her and that changed things positively with her starting a new job starting six weeks later.
Mary was trying to sell her business...
Mary was trying to sell her business for a year and she came to me feeling very negative and down about the entire process. I discovered some negative energy was around the business and I cleared this and I gave Mary practical steps to keep the energy flow positive. I said that buyers would become interested in the business. That same day a man called literally out of the blue and he became the buyer! After nearly a year and a half of being on the market she had finally sold, since then she had lots of other buyers interested as well.
I did a reading for Elizabeth and I said that she had legal issues coming up...
I did a reading for Elizabeth and I said that she had legal issues coming up around an inheritance matter that would need a lawyer to resolve. I said that money was being taken away from her and she had to get it back. On another occasion, I told me that her boyfriend was seeing another woman and that her relationship may end for good. One week later she went down to stay with her boyfriend and found him with another woman. Shortly after this the relationship ended for good. Elizabeth was totally and utterly shocked at my accuracy, as I even described the other woman.
Leila was wanting to buy an investment property...
Leila was wanting to buy an investment property and she asked me if I could see her doing that and would she get the loan to do that. I consulted spirit and they said the loan would be approved 1 week later and it was. Then I said she would buy a property within the next 6 weeks and that is what happened. Leila needed to also find a tenant for her commercial building so we did some energy clearing around the building and I said the tenant would be found 1 month afterwards and a tenant came forward.
Tina came to me after having left a very toxic relationship...
Tina came to me after having left a very toxic relationship. She did not want to return to the relationship but felt she was being pulled back. So, I did an energy clear, clearing old energies and cords from the relationship. We prayed together and she could feel tingling sensations and energies that she could not explain. As a result, she became empowered and cut ties completely with the ex.. I also said that she would move and find another house and that happened within 2 weeks. I also said that she would meet someone new and 1 month later she met a lovely man with whom she is with today.
Paula consulted with me as she was having problems in her home...
Paula consulted with me as she was having problems in her home with lights going on and off and doors opening and closing. She lived across the road from a cemetery and she felt something had invaded her home. I did a complete energy clear of her home, cleared out lost souls, entties and lower frequency energies.
Two days later she emailed me and said ‘Just wanted to say thanku so much for the cleansing yesterday I had my first good nite sleep since we have bein here and also all of the pain in my body has gone and the weight on my shoulders. thanku. Paula
“The accuracy of Suzanne’s was astounding, she was amazing and I was very impressed with her professionalism and manner.”
A proven Psychic, giving you amazing foresight
Psychic Readings
With a psychic reading, I give clients spiritual messages, guidance, spiritual counseling and empowerment.
Angelic Healings
Activate and open your innate healing system, healing whatever needs to be healed for your highest good.
Psychic Suzanne
Suzanne is very accurate and empowering with her psychic readings. I have had a number of face to face readings from. Suzanne accurately predicted various events including ex partners, children’s health and various other major life events. I would not hesitate to recommend her as the best psychics I have been to.
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Psychic Clairvoyant Readings
I offer 20 and 30 minute Psychic Clairvoyant readings via phone, video or email. Securely pay with Paypal, credit or debit card. Face to face readings available in Nelson. Ph 0220429652
0900 Psychic
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0900 50 500 ($3.99/min by phone)
Credit/Debit Card Readings
Credit/Debit card readings available
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