Powerful Angelic Healing
A gifted Angelic healer, magically healing you
Hi, I am Suzanne
I am an Angelic Healer. I have been working in the healing field for 35 years doing Angelic healings.
Your physical body is an incredible messenger
So when you are experiencing pain, disease and unpleasant symptoms in the body, its telling you it needs healing
During your healing session
I channel the high frequency energies of the Archangels and the Syrian Beings healing you for your highest good and activating your own healing abilities
After a healing with me many clients have reported
Feeling calm, peaceful, light, increased energy, significant reduction of physical symptoms, feeling empowered, motivated and free. This enables people to step forward making quality, positive changes for their future.
Conflict and resolution
Clients who contact me come with many healing needs, such as feeling there is an entity or lost soul, heavy energy, hexes. spells and curses around them, weird things happening in the home like the lights and TV going on and off, physical ailments like pain, depression, anxiety, palpitations, an addiction, feeling stuck in their lives, physical symptoms of the vaccine, physical discomfort in the chakras, tumours, cancer treatment symptoms, fibromyalgia, vertigo. I can also assist to heal your pets with kidney disease, tumours, bowel problems, arthritis and many other conditions.
So, what do clients get out of having a healing with me? How does it help them? What happens next? What outcomes are achieved? What changes are made?
Marianne was feeling anxious, down, with chest discomfort and palpitations...
Marianne was feeling anxious, down, with chest discomfort and palpitations off and on.
I did a gentle healing and clearing session with her and post her healing session she experienced extreme lightness, a sense of calm, no palpitations and an instant shift in her energy, feeling energized and motivated. She said, ‘the healing modalities I use are very powerful. I have been seeking Suzanne’s advice for over 3 to 4yrs now and I totally trust Suzanne’s guidance and healing as it’s helped me to move on from the past and to make positive changes for my future.’
Alice came to me with blocked ears, pain in her lower abdomen, rattily lungs, feeling anxious and low in energy...
Alice came to me with blocked ears, pain in her lower abdomen, rattily lungs, feeling anxious and low in energy. During her healing, Eva experienced a great feeling of warmth around her body, especially around her base chakra at the back. She could feel the beams of light entering her ear, a slight suckering feeling like something being sucked out of her ear. She felt a great sense of peace. She felt a pulling in the sacral area like someone pulling something out of her. Then her lungs and scar area felt a slight pulling. Afterwards she said, ‘she felt more alert, and felt that she had been cleared of low frequency energies.’ She said, ‘she ‘felt healed, emotionally and physically.’ Her ears were unblocked and the pain in her lower abdomen had gone. She coughed a lot afterwards and her lungs cleared.
Maria contacted me regarding a hex and black magic that had created so much resentment...
Maria contacted me regarding a hex and black magic that had created so much resentment and bitterness towards her family and herself over the last 20 years.
I set about with the help of my healing team and cleared the dark and low frequency energy. She said that, ‘Suzanne could accurately see this terrible situation and she cleared the hex and black magic completely.’ Maria said, ‘it had absolutely worked and she felt free from what she called evil intent for the first time in over 20 years.’ She said, ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you Suzanne. it has made my year. I can live freely and be myself without a hex and black magic surrounding me. Sincerely grateful’
Evie asked me for healing for recent radiation treatment...
Evie asked me for healing for recent radiation treatment, surgery and her fibromyalgia. I called in the team and they sent healing to all the affected areas. She reported back and said, ‘Your healing has definitely helped my sore legs, the surgery scar and the fibromyalgia in my body. There is significantly less pain there now. The swelling under my arm where the lymph nodes were removed has substantially reduced. The redness where radiation has burnt my skin is a lot lighter now. Your healings are so good. Thank you so much.’ ????????
Marilyn and David wanted a healing with me. They both had aches and pains...
Marilyn and David waned a healing with me. They both had aches and pains in their backs, knees, hips and their lungs felt blocked. The healing was completed with the Syrian beings and Arcturians targeting those mentioned areas. The following day I received a message:
Hi Suzy, well we both have felt the benefit of your healing , we went shopping afterwards and our aches and pains were greatly reduced and virtually unnoticeable. We also felt a lot clearer in our lungs. Amazing! Thank you
My Healing Team
The Syrian being’s light technology helps to release foreign coding imprints and technological matter, old cellular memory, recalibrates and restores the cellular blueprint to support normal cell function.
The Angelic beings assist the clearing of fear based, low frequency energies, clearing entities and lost souls, clearing old cellular memory, healing emotional, mental and physical ailments.