0900 50 500 [email protected]

I was lying in the bath last night and the words, ‘I am amazing,’ suddenly came into my head. Now I’m not one to blow my own trumpet but I thought maybe there is some substance in this. Well I am amazing when I think about it. I survived tremendous adversity and health problems in my childhood. I became a qualified teacher with a degree. i taught in numerous schools and became a teacher in learning support. I got married, brought up 3 children. I left my marriage, bought a house and renovated it.

I then moved around Wellington, buying houses and renovating and recreating them. I started doing psychic readings and healing on a casual basis. I then moved to Nelson where my spiritual life really kicked in. I qualified as a Reiki master and undertook many studies around healing and becoming connected with the spiritual realms. I ceased teaching in the classroom and took on a number of different voluntary and paid roles in many different not for profit organisations doing my share of giving to the community. I started my own psychic business and persevered to make it work. A lot of people said I couldn’t survive financially doing psychic readings but I’ve come through. I’m not a millionaire but I’m doing what I want to do.

Today I live with my animal family and I continue to work as a psychic on my 090050500 line and also doing private consultations. I am very independent and stand in my own power. I have 7 grandchildren whom I adore and I am amazing with them. Currently I’m packing up and organizing a move back to Nelson, my family and my spiritual roots. I’ve sold my house and bought another one. Another move, positive change and new opportunities.

Well I havent become a CEO or achieved worldwide fame as a spiritual guru but when I think about it, I am amazing and I own it. I just do it. I’m a survivor and I make things happen. I have worked very hard giving to others and I have helped thousands of people to make changes and move forward in their lives. In this journey Ive learnt a lot about myself, the spiritual dimension, human nature, relationships and I have become aligned to my life purpose as a lightworker,

We all need ‘I am amazing’ moments. Some may call them ‘ah ha’ moments.  But think about what you have done and achieved in your life. Don’t dwell on the bad stuff, look at the good stuff and give yourself credit and a pat on the back.  Own up to it and own it. I know I’ve done a lot of good stuff and so have you. Think about it.

Blessings Psychic Suzanne Ph 0900 50500 for guidance and messages. Book a reading at www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz/psychic-readings