by Suzanne | Nov 13, 2023 | Making a change, manifesting, Power, Protection, Psychic, Psychic Readings, Raising your vibration
Archangel Uriel Archangel Uriel is bathed in the gold and ruby ray of energy of God. Uriel means “God is my light.” Uriel shines the light of God’s truth into the darkness of confusion and disempowerment. Archangel Uriel is associated with the Solar plexus...
by Suzanne | Jun 11, 2023 | communication, Making a change, manifesting, Miracles, Motivation, Power, Resilience
Making a change You can make transformative changes in your life but the reality is that you can’t create the desired shifts in your life until you do the work. Getting excited and setting your intention is just how you begin a much larger journey. How to make a...
by Suzanne | Apr 28, 2023 | chakras, job stress, looking after you, manifesting, Meditation, Raising your vibration, Relationship stress, Spiritual awareness, Spirituality, truth
Your divine being is made up of 5 important bodies, Physical. Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Etheric (chakras). They do a lot of good work for you if you take some action. Your Physical body (earth) Look at ways of money management and budgeting. Stay focused and...
by Suzanne | Jan 24, 2021 | 2021, Grounding, looking after you, manifesting, Power, Resilience, Uncategorized, Well being
The Energy of 2021 2021s over riding energy is that of 5 2+0+2+1=5. It is an energy of potential change and opportunities but we have to ride it carefully.. Stay Balanced We have to stay balanced other wise the flip coin of the 5 energy is conflict, arguments and...
by Suzanne | Dec 30, 2020 | 2021, Ascension, blessings, cleansing, Clearing, energy, Gratitude, Grounding, guidance, Healing, health, heart centre, looking after you, Love, loving relationships, manifesting, Miracle Creation, Raising your vibration, releasing, Resilience, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual awareness, Well being
Many speak of the great shift and transformation that we are going through with the full moon in the Jupiter Saturn conjunction kicking it off. We are transforming into the age of Aquarius. An age of compassion, kindness, cooperation, people looking after each other,...
by Suzanne | Nov 11, 2020 | 11.11 2020, Angels, Ascension, blessings, cleansing, Clearing, Dark Energies, energy, Gratitude, guidance, Healing, heartfelt, Karma, manifesting, Power, Raising your vibration, releasing, Uncategorized
11.11 Have you been noticing 11.11 lately? Do you feel like something big is about to happen? Well you’re right, a powerful sacred portal or gateway is opening on the 11.11.2020. This portal is a two way gateway to heaven and the higher realms. What is 11.11?...
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