Psychic Suzanne’s Weekly Psychic Forecast
Psychic Suzanne’s Weekly Psychic Forecast is a general psychic overview for the next 7 days as from the 9th June until the 16th June inclusive. I have put this together based on my psychic intuition and the psychic tools that I use.
Saturday the 9th June 2018
This may be your lucky day for meeting a new soul mate or kindred spirit or for an existing relationship to flourish and deepen. A love affair is moving to new levels of intimacy.
If you are in a relationship and you have had difficulties and sought help, your relationship is healing and continued commitment is possible. Communication difficulties between groups or people may come to a positive resolution. Conflicts end and forgiveness can be extended.
You may receive an unexpected gift and this is a great day to share ideas with a positive acceptance.
Sunday the 10th June 2018
It’s time for you to make an important decision about your life. This could be a new job, moving to a new house, going overseas or consideration of engagement or marriage in a romantic relationship, or leaving a romantic relationship that is not working for you. Your decision greatly influences your future so it’s important to weigh up your options carefully and thoroughly consider your choices. Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.
Monday the 11th June 2018
Some fears may surface today. These fears may be based on external factors that you can see but the fears may come from within from worry and unreal concerns. It is important to go within and trust your intuition. Ask your higher self about the source of your anxiety and trust your guidance. Pay attention to your dreams. Your greatest insights will be about yourself. Embrace this self-awareness to overcome past blocks that have held you back.
Tuesday the 12th June 2018
You are overdoing it and working too hard. Today this may become obvious. It might be the last straw broke the camels back.Life is out of balance, especially in the professional and personal sides of your life. You need to slow down to avoid burnout and accept help from others. You may be experiencing stress related health concerns or exhibiting obsessive behavior. Remember the old saying, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Wednesday the 13th June 2018
You need to stand in your power today as your personal power will be tested. However, you are stronger than you realize and you can handle the current situation. Rather than handle it with aggression you are better off with an approach of compassion, kindness and gentleness. Look upon this challenge as an opportunity to learn and to apply your skills and knowledge with a magical touch. Rome was never built in a day so have patience and trust in your own abilities to see this situation through
Thursday the 14th June 2018
This day signals that it is time to begin new projects whether at work, at home or your leisure activities. It is a magical day for manifesting your dreams or some desires that you have been putting out there. Be confident and don’t procrastinate, you are more prepared to do this than what you realize. Take focused action with respect to any plans you may have been preparing for. You will find things will magically fall into place with unexpected resources.
Friday the 15th June 2018
This is a good day to go within and take it easy. You have had a big week and time to blob out. Do something social or fun. Or just relax and listen to some nice music, meditate and reflect on the week’s activities and events. There may be a sudden appearance of a mother figure or some advice may come forth with from a mother figure. Trust this guidance as mums know best!
Or maybe you need to see your mum to feel nourished pampered or to talk to her about something.
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Copyright Psychic Suzanne 2018©
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