October 2018 a month of change
October is potentially a month of change and the opportunity to manifest new positive patterns of thinking and behaviour. October carries the energy of no 3 which is the creativity of thoughts and emotions. If you think and feel positive then you are more likely to attract what you want to manifest in your life. If you think and feel negativity then that could become powerful in your life. To make the most positive use of this energy to create is to keep our thoughts and emotions in check or practice self-discipline. Cancel, clear and delete any thoughts that do not serve a positive outcome.
What else is brewing in October
With Venus now in retrograde until the 29th and Mercury soon to enter Scorpio on the 9th October be aware of possible relationship unsettledness in the domestic scene, at work or with your friends or even in matters of finances and business transactions. Someone from the past could make a sudden appearance and sweep you off your feet. If you are having an affair the conditions around this could become more strained. Keep watching your thoughts and emotions and above all watch what you say. The effects of Mercury in Scorpio can be abrasive and to the point of offending others. If you are a Scorpio then you could win a few battles with your sharp tongue, leaving others floundering.
Stay connected and grounded
For this coming week stay grounded in your personal power so nothing takes you by surprise and continue to maintain a connection with the divine on a daily basis. Always take a few moments to connect with source after you wake in the morning. Ask for the pure white light of Source to flow through you. Ask for your spirit guides and messengers to connect with you. Ask them for messages and guidance about anything that you want to know about or want to happen today. Read something spiritual, like some quotes or wise words or simply shuffle some oracle cards to receive messages as well. Thank Source and your guides and go about your day maintaining a positive presence.
Blessings Psychic Suzanne Ph 0900 50 500 for guidance about relationships. www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz
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