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Eclipses have always been associated with new beginnings, letting go of the old codes and energies and moving forward with new opportunities and answers coming to the fore.
This weeks the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 30th November 2021 will bring new opportunities and answers but it will primarily open The Eclipse gateway of transition and the opening of the heart centre.
The Eclipse Gateway of Transition.
As you know we have been experiencing high vibration light coming to earth planet in volumes during 2020. And since 2016 Slowly the 3 dimensional light codes have been broken down by the high frequency 5th dimension light codes.
The Eclipse gateway is a huge portal opening on the 30th November 2021, allowing even more 5th Dimension light to flow to Earth thus transitioning towards the 20th December when the full force of the 5th Dimension high frequency light codes will be felt.
On the 20th December, there is conjunction of 2 planets, Jupiter and Saturn which will mean they come very close together and will appear to merge as one planet. This conjunction marks the end of the transition as Earth moves into receiving the full force of 5-dimensional high frequency light codes.This marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Eclipse gateway of the opening of the Heart Centre.
Have you felt your heart centre pulsing with energy or feeling warm, or your heart feel like it is fluttering or palpitating? Are you feeling emotional or maybe you are feeling stuck in your romantic relationship? Do you feel you or your partner may not be on the same page so things are getting a little heated? Are you wanting answers about your relationship?
On the 30th November 2021, this Sunday/Monday The Sun, Moon and Earth will be in near direct alignment, which opens an energy portal directly sending you high-frequency light codes into your heart space. This serves to open your heart centre more to receive and give love and to be able connect with the Angelic realm through a central junction in your heart centre.
What to do
So, over the next week, you need to go into your heart centre every day for a few moments and see your heart centre expanding to receive these high frequency light codes. Imagine a telescope lense opening wide.
Then just feel the energy of love filling your heart centre. It could be a warm fuzzy feeling of love or it could be an expansive feeling that your heart centre is receiving and radiating love out to the universe and our planet.
After the eclipse, clarity and answers will come. Whether it be the passion of a job or a move or a new love or whether to move on from a current relationship, you will know what to do.
Blessings of Love with an open Heart centre
Psychic Suzanne www.Psychicsuzanne.co.nz ph 090050500 for clarity and answers