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Relationship Stress, a sign of the Times

If you are experiencing relationship stress with family, spouse. friends and work colleagues, you are not alone. Expect the layers of complicated relationships and feelings to fester and erupt. If this is not the case for you, you are darn lucky.

What can you do?

Having a plan of what to do should the drama come up is a good idea. Look at the big picture and appreciate it as that. What’s going to happen on Christmas day, how are going to communicate with your in laws is a good example of having a plan.

Be succinct and balanced in your communication whatever that may be. Maybe these feelings you are feeling have been there for a long time and they bring up feelings of anger and unforgiveness?

Stay in the energy of love, see your heart space being filled with love and send love to those people who are proving to be challenging.

Go with the flow as much a possible and know that this is an energetic clearing for everyone now. It’s at the right time as we cannot absorb the high frequency light that’s flowing to earth if we are harbouring toxic feelings and thoughts.

Call upon Archangel Raphael to heal and surrender the toxic and low frequency energies to God to be transmuted into pure love.

Practice the art of forgiveness, forgiving others and yourself to be free of heavy energy.

Ask Archangel Michael to surround you with a shield of protection, protecting you from lower frequency energies to stay grounded in balance and harmony.

Enjoy your day
Love and blessings Psychic Suzanne
Book a reading at www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz/psychic-consultations/