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Many speak of the great shift and transformation that we are going through with the full moon in the Jupiter Saturn conjunction kicking it off. We are transforming into the age of Aquarius. An age of compassion, kindness, cooperation, people looking after each other, consensus decision making, governments working in the interests of the people.
Take a moment to think back about the shift and transformation you have achieved on a personal basis during 2020. Yes 2020 was not easy and many of us were challenged to grow and transform.
Think back now over 2020, what has transformed for you on a personal level? How have you grown and shifted as a result of these changes? As a result what are you going to continue to change and transform about your life in 2021?
I have had my share of experiences that have transformed and changed me during 2020.
Ups and downs in health have lead me to look at a holistic approach to my health and well being and the knowing that we have to love and care for ourselves no matter what. This has had an transforming effect on my health. I have also undergone many healings and releases which has let go of past hurts and traumas. This has in turn opened my heart centre to truly see and receive love and to unconditionally love others no matter what.
The tragic loss of one of my fur babies was a big blow for me. I was, really challenged to let go even though I didn’t want to. It was hard as I had tried to keep this cat alive with alternative and orthodox health care. Unfortunately It was time for her to go and I had to let her go whether I liked it or not. Letting go is hard but it’s transforming too. It creates freedom and peace. It creates choice and unconditional love. It also makes it easier to let go of things that no longer serve other areas of our life. I feel at peace now.
The diagnosis of my youngest daughters breast cancer during 2020 was a shock and this has been very challenging for everyone involved. It has made me realise that life is fragile and that we have to live our lives for ourselves, not for others.
This situation has really opened up the need to be compassionate. Compassion for her, compassion for others and what they have to go through to overcome this disease.
The knowledge of this condition, how it is treated and the huge need for my daughter to be supported, the way she wants to be supported has made me more flexible and understanding. Family members need to be supported also and I have had to step up to this.
My healing skills have really come into play. Everyday I send her healing and I know it is contributing to making her well again.
Also overcoming the judgement and fear of the disease by others has really opened my eyes. I send love to them all.
As a result what am I going to continue to change and transform about my life in 2021?
In 2021 I know I will be of service to others nor just through my psychic work but my healing work as well. I am developing my sound and light language abilities to use in my healing and I plan on studying Kinesiology.
From my position now I know I will be of service and healing support to others and their families with cancer. I have experienced and learnt so much on this journey.
I want to to have fun and see a bit more of friends and relatives in NZ. More happiness and joy with friendships and partnerships
I am going to continue to work from my heart centre and stay in the energy of love, compassion and healing to set myself free and others.
I will continue to heal the darkness without and within
Rather than judging people for their negative behaviours but I will send them blessings of more positive behaviours instead
Now Think back now over 2020, what has transformed for you on a personal level? How have you grown and shifted as a result of these changes?
As a result what are you going to continue to change and transform about your life in 2021?
New years blessings for 2021
Psychic Suzanne

