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Karmic Debt

Karmic debt is karma that we have accrued by acts and deeds throughout past lifetimes and present day when we have been destructive to people, animals, places, situations. Karmic debt can also come through ancestral lines and relationships, partners/boyfriends which is disconcerting as you don’t have a lot of control over that.

What is Karma?

Karma is an energy. It can be good karma if you have done many good deeds unto others and it has balanced out the karmic debt but if it is bad then it will come back around to haunt you until it is cleared. Karma can take many shapes and forms. Things could be continually going wrong in your life or maybe something suddenly happen that takes you by surprise. Health problems can also be karmic. There may be death of  siblings or family members that has followed a pattern down through the family lines or within a current family. There could be destruction to property, unfortunate situations, animals falling ill and maybe the house you are living in is bringing in karma.

Clearing Karma

All karma has to be cleared before we can fully ascend into the 5th dimension.. Sometimes we can avoid karma by moving towns, countries, changing aspects of our name, working with crystals and not getting involved with persons whom you know have a somewhat shady back ground because it will play out through you. Karma can also [lay out between couples in a relationship as this may be a life lesson to clear the karma between you both. Sadly this doesn’t bode well for a happy relationship and karmic relationships can be volatile and at times destructive.
Karma can be cleared energetically. At times this is not easy but by working with a reputable healer it can be cleared over time. You have to identify the karma first. Think about what is going on in your life. Is this karma playing out? As already said you can help to reduce your karmic debt by doing good deeds unto others, kindness to animals, helping your community. You can also avoid accruing more negative karma by not doing anything that is not above board. like trying to undermine or bend the law, rip someone off, mislead and hurt others, steal from others..

Ask Spirit to help

Spirit will help to move you away from a situation that could potentially accrue unwanted karma. Ask Spirit to help you and your load will be lessened. Be positive at all times, try not to speak ill of others. It counts unfortunately. Surround yourself with positive caring, kind people and the energy will flow onto you.

Blessings of love and light

Suzy Psychic.