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Change And More Change

March and April 2024 are certainly dynamic months packed with change and facilitating the release of old dross we no longer need in our lives.The lunar eclipse on the 20th March started it all followed by the solar eclipse on the 8th April. Did you feel any effects of these eclipses? Tiredness, irritability and not thinking straight are common effects.


Eclipses are not to be feared but revered. There’s always a blind spot with an eclipse, something you can’t see which facilitate endings and new beginnings. They enable us to leave the sludge, heavy energies and karma behind. The Eclipses are also preparing us for the great reset and rebalance of everything which is the great conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter on the 20th of this month.

The Conjunction of Jupiter And Uranus

As the two planets Jupiter and Uranus meet this will prompt the  illumination of our planet with massive light coming to earth, creating change in our personal lives, faith, wisdom, technology, and spirituality. There will also be break throughs and breakouts globally affecting many countries.. We can already see what is happening with Iran and Israel. The conjunction of these two planets gives us a necessary push toward the future of the 5th dimension, leaving the 3rd dimension behind.

Uranus The Planet Of Change

The tide will certainly turn as Uranus alone is undoubtedly the planet of sudden unexpected change. And if you like it or not this will hit every one of us in some way or another. Expect the unexpected for some time yet

Lots of Love

Psychic Suzanne