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September 2024 Takeaways

Since the Lionsgate portal opened on the 8/8/2024, Earth has been blasted by even more high frequency energy.This time the energy is also coming from deep inside hollow earth, from the great Agathan Sun that is above the Lemurian city of Telos. This energy plus the golden orange energy coming from the great central Sun, Helios. is serving to awaken every human being on this planet.This will happen in different time frames for each person, nevertheless it is happening. This is putting many people under duress so I thought today I would give you some takeaways to help with these challenging times.

Look after your health

Nurture and look after you. It is imperative that you look after your health, particularly this month. If you are over extending and feel out of whack then don’t do it. Look for alternative sources of healing. Naturopathy, homeopathy, spiritual healing and many natural therapies are out there. Our health system is under pressure and the medications don’t always mix with the high frequency energies.

Stay balanced and grounded

Stay balanced and grounded especially when you are feeling out of whack. See your feet on the ground, with roots going down into earth and see the dense energies draining down your body, through your feet and into mother earth to be transmuted into pure love and light. The shower is also great to wash away heaviness. Keep up the physical exercise. Go for a walk/run or the gym. Even 10 minutes a day makes a difference.

Keep your vibration high.

To keep your vibration high, stay away from negative, toxic people and situations as much as you can. Put protection around yourself before you engage  Do a daily meditation of purifying your chakras, physical body and energy fields. You can ask for a column of Archangell Michael’s Royal blue energy to spin through your entire being and visualise the negative energies flowing into mother earth to be transmuted into pure love. and light. You can also ask for a column of the orange gold light of the great central sun to spin through your entire being purifying you completely, connecting into your earth star chakra and transmuting the dark energies into pure love and light.


The energies currently can be harsh and confronting. You must put protection around yourself night and morning. Ask Archangel Michael to place a pyramid of his royal blue energy vibrating at a 12th dimensional frequency over you, covering you completely.. Ask him also to place a pyramid of his blue light over the building that you are in, covering that completely also. You can also place yourself in a cocoon of the purest universal light vibrating at a 12th dimensional frequency.  Another method is to surround your aura with high frequency mirrors that repel negative dark energy and only allow the energy of love through.

Endings and change

September 2024 is proving to be a month of unprecedented endings and change. Be prepared that any thing could happen. The lunar eclipse that is happening on the 16/17th September could also facilitate endings and change as well. Most of us usually do well with endings that are not on the positive side. if something hits you out of the blue that was not expected then stay in the moment, hour by hour, day by day. Ask for the purest universal healing. Seek wise counsel and surround yourself with supportive, caring people. One of the biggest lessons in these times is to be able to unattach from any person, situation, event etc that is not serving you. If we stay attached then this energy can stay with us and serve to be a block to moving on.

Love and blessings
