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2025 a year of endings and change

2025 carries the vibration of numbed 9, endings. So everything that no longer serves you will be left behind during 2025. 2026 carries the vibration of no 1, new beginnings, 2025 is preparing you to move into something new in 2026, if not before. With every ending there is a new beginning. Allow the release to happen, don’t block the flow. Say, “I embrace change with ease and grace, leaving behind all that that does not serve me.”

My service to humanity

The vibration of number 9 also vibrated the energy of service to humanity. I awoke at 3am this morning to Lord Melchezedek standing beside my bed. He said I will be continuing to do Psychic readings throughout 2025 at a higher spiritual frequency. So here I am at your service for 2025. Thank you Lord Melchezedek.  How can you be of service to humanity? You may be called to do something you never thought you would do. Unity and community are vital for us to survive and push through these challenging times.

Watch what you think, thoughts are powerful

The energies continue to rise in frequency. Be care what you think because it will bring more of that energy to you. If you think negative consistently that’s what will come to you, if you think happiness and joy then that’s what will come to you. your thoughts are powerful. Keep them in check. Replace a negative thought with a positive one. You will feel the difference and your frequency will really increase. You can create what you want in 2025 if you continue to focus on your intentions. If you allow doubt, fear and negativity to creep in then you could be looking at a different creation.Continue to be thankful and grateful for what you have as that will also create more of what you do want.

Increased psychic  experiences

Many are experiencing increased Psychic awareness and intuition. A, client told me the other day she could feel her crown chakra expanding and she too was receiving messages about herself and where she is going in her life Some people have told me they are seeing ghosts. If that is happening for you, you then trust what you are seeing and ask spirit for messages and guidance.

Psychic body armour

Using spiritual protection to put on your Psychic armour is vital this year. The dark forces are still playing out and will try to knock you off course. Ask Michael to place a cloak of his royal blue light over you, covering you from head to feet. I also ask for the flame of earth, a multi coloured van of light to rise from hollow earth and to come up and around me, covering me totally. This also gives protection. Stay away from negative people, places and situations to ease the negativity around you.

False inner peace

Beware of the false inner peace in 2025 as more souls more will turn to drugs and alcohol to achieve that. Stick to meditation and finding that spiritual connection. Drugs and alcohol keep one in the matrix of illusion, lies, low energy frequency and deceit. Staying in the integrity and authenticity of oneself prevents that from happening.

The explosion of AI

What is standing right before our eyes is the robot and the Impact of the use of drones. Artificial intelligence is going to be used across the board. Robots are already being used in the medical profession and many new healing modalities will come into play. AI is also a problem solving tool that can come up with solutions that not even the human brain can devise.  With AI we are looking at parallel realities. Already you can make a video with you in it but you’re not actually there. Conversations can be recorded using your voice without you knowing or being there. Scary? It will be very difficult to know what is real in the way we used to think about everything. Already we see bots being used on website and apps but this will expand into all forms of communication. You may call a business and talk to a bot or a robot. In fact everywhere the use of robots will become the norm, on the internet, marketing and advertising and everyday life. Eventually we will see robots walking around just like us doing their thing that they are programmed to do. Unfortunately huge job losses will prevail as a result. Don’t underestimate the use of drones. Drones will increasingly be used for surveillance and solving crime. They also will be use en mass to protect a building, nuclear plant,, military base and eventually a whole country from being attacked. they also could be used as a courier service, delivering parcels to your door. They could be a whole new shopping experience, delivering your groceries too.

New ways of Travel

There will also be a revolution of new ways of travel. You may see someone with a jet propulsion motor on his or her back flying by. Just like the old movies used to show. There may also be cars flying in the air. The big corporations won’t necessarily own the big jets or have the monopoly over travel anymore. People could get together, invent the fastest jet ever (like Eon Musk with the tesla) then fly it cutting the time of travel by hours. There may be new ways of travel across water again speeding up the time it takes to get from A to B. Maybe cars running on hydrogen will finally be used as a form of travel. Space travel will become the norm with Eon Musk introducing the Tesla, a very fast flying space ship destined for Mars i believe. Eventually space travel will be modules inside a time bubble that moves through space at a greater speed than the speed of light.

Love and blessings for 2025

Psychic Suzanne