0900 50 500 [email protected]

Here are some techniques to help you remove energetic blocks that may be stopping you from receiving abundance.

1. Call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Ariel and the cleansing Angels
2.  See them flowing the pure white light of God down your spinal column and expanding out through your chakras into your physical and ethereal bodies, cleansing and clearing your chakras, physical and ethereal bodies

3. Ask for energy cords of fear, resistance, poverty, lack, scarcity, power and control and limiting beliefs connected to people, places, objects and situations to be removed and sent back to source

4. Ask for any karmic energy cords and any oaths, vows and contracts from past lives of poverty, lack, abstinence, resistance and limiting beliefs connected to people, places, situations and objects to be removed and sent back to source

5. Ask for your heart chakra to be opened and balanced so receiving and giving is in equilibrium

6. Affirm every day, I am open to receive all forms of abundance with gratitude and visualise it flowing into your life in whatever shape and form

7. Be thankful and grateful every day for all of the abundance you have received

Contact Psychic Suzanne, [email protected] if you need assistance in clearing energy blocks.